5 Easy Steps For Setting Your Goals

Gaga Lalic
3 min readApr 3, 2021


Take Time To Plan Your Goals

How many times did you set a specific goal you wanted to reach this year, in 3 months, in 6 months, but you never actually reached it? And it’s always there at the back of your mind?

How many times did you say, “Oh, I want this so much?” But you never actually did anything about it. And then you feel like you failed because you didn’t reach that goal.

Can you relate to this? I sure can. It has happened to me many times. But WHY?

It’s because we don’t have an actual plan or strategy for reaching those goals.

When we talked about setting goals in NLP Practitioner training, it was eye-opening for me. That’s when I realized I didn’t do anything specific to reach my goals. And more importantly, I had no idea how to do it.

I learned that my “goals” weren’t really goals but rather my wishes. And I didn’t do anything to make those wishes come true. Maybe I was lazy, or perhaps I didn’t believe in myself enough to make that first step. Or maybe it’s just because I didn’t know the things I know today. I didn’t know that you should have an actual strategy for setting goals and working on reaching them.

So, here are these 5 simple steps that helped me a lot:

1. Set Your Goal and Be Specific

First, you need TIME, time for yourself. So, take some time just for yourself and think about the important things in your life. Ask yourself, “Who am I? What does make me happy?” In what part of my life do I feel least fulfilled?

And then focus on that part of your life. Think about what you’d like to reach and what your wishes are. Then set your goals clearly. Goals need to be specific and detailed. Imagine that you already reached that goal. Now answer these questions, “What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel now that you’ve reached it?”

2. Define Its Purpose

Before working on your goals, it’s super important to define what that goal means to you. Why are you working on it? It’ll also help you during tough times or when you lack motivation. It’ll remind you why you’re doing it, why that goal is important to you. So, ask yourself some of these questions:

  • Why is this goal important to me?
  • What’s the purpose of me doing it?
  • What does reaching this goal bring to me?
  • How will I feel when I reach this goal?

3. Set SMART Targets. It’s time for an action plan!

Now that you answered these questions and know the purpose of your set goals, it’s time for you to make an action plan. How will you reach your goals? What will you do? Ask yourself these questions:

  • How?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • With whom?

Make your targets SMART.

Specific — include as many details as possible and make sure your target is clear.

Measurable — If you can answer this question, “How will I know that I reached the target?” then it’s measurable. What can you see, hear, and feel once you reach it?

Achievable — Ask yourself if you can actually achieve it. Is it possible?

Real — Be realistic about your target. Ask yourself if it can be accomplished.

Timely — set the deadline for your target.

e.g., My goal is to be healthy and fit. And one of my targets is to lose weight.

My target is to have 128 lbs/58 kg by June 30, 2021.

If you don’t have an action plan, it’s less likely that you’ll achieve what you want. It’s like taking a trip without any directions. Where am I going? When am I going? With whom? Without directions, without a plan, we are lost.

Keep reading…



Gaga Lalic

ICF ACC | Success Coach | NLP Practitioner Passionate about helping people get results and achieve their goals https://www.gagalalic.com/free